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We successfully shape necessary transformations. We rebuild confidence through customised and transparent processes.





Quick checks
Quick Checks

High level assessment of the status quo to identify key challenges

Expert Opinions
Expert Opinions

Independent business reviews, restructuring concepts and plans of individual business units or entire companies

Expert Statements
Expert Statements

Assessment of solvency and compliance with requirements for the envisaged restructuring proceedings


Support and management of the transformation

We assist during the entire process until all objectives have been achieved. Our focus is the assessment of the current situation, development of suitable measures and resolute implementation. We ensure value through our holistic approach.

Objective: Qualified information for decision making regarding critical issues and suitable options for the transformation

Outcome: Summary report which outlines the current situation and highlights viable options

Scope: Site visits, management meetings, evaluation of the business model and financial position

Objective: Achievable vision and strategy for a successful transformation

Outcome: Report in accordance with the current standards and prevailing case law, summarising the historic and current situation, the root causes and challenges, highlighting objectives, and describing the overall strategy going forward in full detail

Scope: Site visits, management meetings, interviews with key personnel, evaluation of business model and financial position, SWOT analysis, historic and current trading, current financial position, development of concepts, strategies and measures to overcome existing challenges, business plan (income statement, balance sheet and cash flow), restructuring opinion

Objective: Protection against liability risks and exposure to voidable transactions

Outcome: Expert statement regarding solvency, over-indebtedness and compliance with requirements of the envisaged restructuring proceedings as per the key date

Scope: Evaluation of financial situation, financial plans, assessment of indebtedness (if required) and prospects for a successful transformation

Objective: Successful completion of the transformation

Outcome: Timely implementation of agreed measures and realisation of the associated benefits

Scope: RFL supports the implementation process or steers the entire process as project manager (this includes project reporting, coordination, controlling as and when required)

Why RFL?

Professional advisory and comprehensive support in close partnership.

We accompany our clients until all targets have been achieved.

Shoring up company resources.

We focus on the essentials and do not try to reinvent the wheel.

High prospects
of success.

We deliver the envisaged result with our proven concepts, experience, and interdisciplinary skills.


  • Budgetary deviations and/or additional, unforeseen funding requirements
  • Default under existing financing agreements or additional, unforeseen funding requirements
  • Regulatory requirements (new required risk management systems, ongoing review of compliance with current law, implementation of certain restructuring proceedings
  • Required by banks due to regulatory requirements
  • Protection against liability risks and exposure to voidable transactions
  • Establish transparency and thereby (re)build stakeholder confidence to support the successful implementation of the planned measures
  • Successful transformations and restructurings require feasible concepts and resolute implementations
  • Quick checks (1-2 weeks)
  • Expert Opinions (6-8 weeks)
  • Expert Statements (1-2 weeks)
  • Implementation (6-18 months)